Lucy (10 out of 10 ) Bruce Almighty is a brilliant movie and one of my favourites of all times. It's really good and I think it's a real must-see to everyone!
Lauren (10 out of 10 ) Bruce Almighty is HILARIOUS! I loved it! Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston are so good together. Everyone should love this movie.
Barbie (1 out of 10 ) This movie is so boring I hated it and it sucked.
Andrew (10 out of 10 ) This movie is awesome.
dick (10 out of 10 ) Barbie it was an awesome movie.
Breanna (10 out of 10 ) Barbie you're weird, this movie was so funny!
jacob (10 out of 10 ) Awesome movie. Barbie you're dumb, very funny.
Adam (10 out of 10 ) My most favourite film. I could watch it a million times and never get bored of it. Pure genius in film making.
Melissa (10 out of 10 ) Barbie is hella weird. This movie is classic, what's wrong with you? Jim Carey is funniest guy ever. Get your facts straight, GOSH!
kath (10 out of 10 ) Bruce Almighty was such a great movie. It's enjoyable to watch.
Sahra (10 out of 10 ) This movie is so cool, I love it. It's awesome.
kirsty (10 out of 10 ) I thought Bruce Almighty was great, the funniest film I have seen in a very long time. I wish that could happen to all of us!
Matt Cunningham (9 out of 10 ) It was a great movie, one of Jim Carrey's finest.
sam (10 out of 10 ) Great movie, lots of fun, Jim carrey at his best.
Sparrow (10 out of 10 ) This movie was SWEET, I loved it. One of Jim's Best.
Beck (10 out of 10 ) I love this movie and it makes me positive thinking for some things.
sachin bhati (9 out of 10 ) It was so popular that one director copied the concept and made a hindi movie, it was a hit in India.
martiniolives2 (3 out of 10 ) Sachin- the concept for this film is extremely old. For example, check "The Man Who Could Work Miracles," a film made in 1936-- and taken from an HG Wells story published in 1898. Hardly original.